Water damage restoration

Eagle Restoration provides a welcome and efficient method of saving your home and possessions following the devastating effects of flooding. Water damage can happen for many reasons. Whether it’s heavy rainfall, street flooding, burst river banks or simply a water tank that has spilled into your home, the aftermath of any form of flooding can be a distressing and upsetting experience. Our team is available 24/7 to help you through it, and get your life back to normal. If you’ve had an emergency and your home or business has water damage, call us now to get assistance.

We specialize in water damage restoration
We can handle the most devastating situations
Call us now (209)466-5882


Water Damage Restoration Services

As experts in water damage restoration, we know that prompt action can minimize any long term damage and our modern work techniques will soon have your home looking and feeling great again. Our teams arrive fully equipped to salvage and restore carpets and furniture to pre-flood conditions while making sure all electrical safety problems are resolved.

By working on your home and property immediately, our water damage restoration service not only limits the total amount of flood damage but can also save thousands of dollars in replacement furniture and building restoration costs.

Our full and comprehensive service provides a range of fully-featured vehicles and equipment to cope with all of your water damage restoration needs, including:

Our full and comprehensive service provides a range of fully-featured vehicles and equipment to cope with all of your water damage restoration needs, including:

Fully equipped vehicles with powerful, state-of-the-art water extractors that are completely portable and ready to cope with even the most severe of flood conditions.

A full range of moisture detection equipment to evaluate the safety of your property once pumping is complete. Our hygrometers and saturation testing kits quickly locate moisture in your property to allow for fast remedial action and to protect against further damage.

Fast action turbo dryers to circulate warm airflow and evaporate moisture, leading to dry footings, walls, carpets and furniture.

Top branded carpet and furniture cleaning units to restore your personal property to pre-flood conditions.

Environmentally friendly deodorizing agents to fight back against the microorganisms and bacteria that dwell in moist conditions.

Full and effective disinfection to arrest the growth of fungi, mold, bacteria and mildew.

Large scale dehumidifiers to reduce humidity levels. Dryer air will minimize secondary damage to the structure of your home and to your furniture and belongings.

Advanced drying equipment that can be monitored and regulated to maintain optimum conditions and to reduce the chances of walls and floors swelling.

Water Damage Restoration Team

As soon as our water damage restoration team arrives, a thorough assessment and documentation of the conditions of your property will be made. Our specialist crew will also take sufficient steps to stem any potential for further damage before making recommendations on your property and contents.

We’ll also carry out a stringent series of tests for evidence of bacteria, mold and mildew and establish a schedule for drying time so that you and your family can be back at home as soon as possible.

We fully understand the stress that flood damage can cause and our water damage restorationservice team is experienced in dealing with of all forms of flood damage in a considerate and sympathetic manner.

With our dedication to service and the utilization of some of the most efficient equipment available, our water damage restoration team will have you back on your feet as quickly as possible.

We will get your property back up and running fast
Call us now (209)466-5882

Flood Cleanup

Water damage caused by a natural disaster is something that you can’t control. Nevertheless, you can take the necessary preventive measures in advance to minimize the effect on your home. Storms, flash floods and hurricanes can cause water build-up and in the event of any of the above weather-related issue, contact Eagle Restoration, the water damage restoration experts immediately to reduce the water damage.

Pipe Leaks & Bursts

Often, the common reasons for water damage are leaking or burst pipes. This occurs when the water pipes in your kitchen or bathroom leak or break because of temperature fluctuations or general wear and tear. If found and fixed immediately, leaking pipes will not cause a lot of damage, but burst pipes can be catastrophic unless the supply valve is shut off quickly.

If the toilets or drains in your home get blocked or backed up, this causes a lot of pressure in the pipe and as a result, it can burst or start leaking. Another reason for pipe bursts is non-functional garbage disposals. Also, any roots growing in the yard that work their way into the sewer lines can be a cause for the bursting of pipes. Old, rusty pipes are prone to leaking. Pipes that are installed in external walls or in basements can freeze during the winter and are more susceptible to bursting.

Window & Roof Leaks

Heavy rains can make way into your home, especially if your window frames, roof or walls are damaged. It can also enter your basement and flood the whole area quickly. Homes that are at terrace level are especially vulnerable to flooding, especially if they are located near lakes or rivers, which may overflow because of heavy rains.

If your external air conditioner unit is placed on top of the ceiling that is potentially damaged, the AC unit will drip water and will ultimately damage the rest of the ceiling and flood your home. And, most importantly, waterlogged and damaged ceilings are prone to the risk of collapsing.

Toilet Overflow

When your toilet is running or it overflows, not only is it annoying, it is expensive too. A bad leak in your toilet or an overflowing toilet can ruin your walls and floors. The important thing is to determine why the toilet is overflowing in the first place and once you’re able to pinpoint the issue, then repairing is quite simple.

Our Process

At Eagle Restoration, we understand that every situation of water damage is different and needs a unique solution; however, in general, the process remains the same and here are the steps that we follow to handle typical water damage situations.


  • Inspect your property, assess the causes and determine the extent of water damage.
  • Explain the water damage to you and also our solution for restoration.
  • Extraction of water from your premises.
  • Drying and dehumidification of the property and contents.
  • Cleaning and sanitization of your property.
  • Restoration process.

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Stockton, CA